Whether you need simple storage or dream of a specialized workshop, the right garage can elevate your lifestyle. Behm Design offers a wide range of garage plans to fit your unique needs and preferences.

If you’re unsure which garage style is perfect for you, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve crafted this comprehensive guide to help you understand the options available. Contact Behm Design for more personalized advice to help you pick the garage that’s just right for you.

The Fundamentals of Basic Garages: A Solid Start to Any Home

Basic garages serve as the foundation of home storage and vehicle safety. They are straightforward, cost-effective, and get the job done. A basic garage could be the perfect solution if you’re looking for a no-fuss option to protect your car and store your belongings.

  • Easy to build
  • Cost-effective
  • Provides essential storage and parking

Basic garages can be built quickly and within a moderate budget with a simple design and structure. They offer the essential features you expect: a secure place for your car, additional storage for your tools, and even a bit of space for a workbench if you like tinkering. While they may lack the bells and whistles of more elaborate garage designs, their practicality and functionality cannot be overlooked.

Craftsman Garages: Where Function Meets Aesthetic Charm

Craftsman garages offer the perfect blend of functionality and visual appeal. These structures often feature traditional architectural elements like gabled roofs, wooden details, and natural materials. If you value a garage that serves its purpose and complements your home’s aesthetic, then a craftsman garage is the way to go.

  • Architectural detailing
  • High-quality materials
  • Visually appealing

Craftsman garages often come with customization options, allowing you to match the garage’s look with your home’s existing design. From selecting specific wood finishes to adding unique window features, a craftsman garage provides a stylish backdrop for your cars and storage needs. This type of garage elevates the standard functionality to a more artistic level without sacrificing practicality.

Elevate Your Space with Dormer Garages: A Blend of Function and Style

Dormer garages offer a unique combination of aesthetic appeal and practical utility. With their distinct architectural features like extended roof lines and additional windows, these garages enhance the character of your property while providing storage space. Whether you’re seeking extra storage or a distinctive look, dormer garages meet both needs.

  • Architecturally pleasing
  • Increased natural light
  • Additional overhead space

The key benefit of a dormer garage is its effective use of overhead space. The extra windows improve the appearance and flood the room with natural light. This makes the area feel more open and inviting. If you’re considering setting up a workshop or home office in your garage, the vertical space in a dormer design can make that possible.

Go Big with Jumbo Garages: Space and Flexibility to Meet All Your Needs

Jumbo garages are the ultimate upgrade for homeowners looking to maximize space and utility. These expansive structures are not just for car enthusiasts. These garages offer endless possibilities for personal and business use.

  • Ample room for multiple vehicles
  • Extra space for storage or a workshop
  • Flexibility for various applications like a home gym, game room, or business

In contrast to basic garages, jumbo garages considerably increase square footage. This added space opens the door to a wide array of functional possibilities. The sky’s the limit, whether it’s accommodating a growing family’s storage needs, setting up a fully-equipped home gym, or even launching a small business like an auto repair shop. The flexibility is particularly beneficial for those who want to adapt their space as their needs and interests evolve.

Upgrade Your Living Space with Apartment Garages

Apartment garages offer a unique blend of utility and extra living space. They are a fantastic option for homeowners needing parking and additional living areas. Imagine the convenience of having a rentable space or a cozy guest suite just steps away from your home.

  • Dual-purpose design
  • Potential rental income
  • Enhanced property value

With an apartment garage, you’re investing in more than just a place to park your car. You are also gaining extra room that can serve many functions. This could be a guest suite, a rental unit, or a home office. Given its dual functionality, an apartment garage can also significantly boost the resale value of your home.

The Ultimate Versatility of Monitor Garages: Where Style Meets Function

Monitor garages offer an aesthetic and functional upgrade to your standard garage setup. With their distinct raised center aisle design, these garages provide a unique look and additional loft space for storage or even living quarters.

  • Distinctive design for curb appeal
  • Increased loft space for versatile use
  • Ideal for adding an extra layer of customization

These garages are not just about the looks; their unique structure allows for many uses. Whether you’re seeking additional storage space, a dedicated hobby area, or even a guest suite, the elevated loft space in a monitor garage gives you that flexibility. 

Your Perfect Garage Awaits at Behm Design

Choosing the right garage for your needs is more than just a practical decision. Whether you lean toward the simplicity of basic garages or the multipurpose utility of monitor garages, Behm Design has a plan to fit your unique needs.

Don’t compromise when it comes to your next garage. Turn your dream into a reality with Behm Design‘s diverse array of high-quality garage plans. Contact us today for a tailored recommendation and start your journey toward a more functional and aesthetically pleasing home.