A big portion of your home’s curb appeal comes from your choice of garage door. A garage door (or doors) takes up a large area of your house’s front face, so it’s important to choose the right garage door that fits your house’s personality and functions how you need it when you need it to. Choosing the right garage door will boost your curb appeal and even the value of your house.


Your choice of garage door style can say a lot about the exterior of your home, and should always complement the look and feel of the rest of your house. To maximize your curb appeal, match your garage door with the character of your house. An out-of-place garage door would appear strange in the wrong context, so it’s important to match your garage door’s style with your home’s personality. If your house is a Victorian styled home with pointed roofs and inviting balconies, consider pairing your garage door with these attributes by designing your garage door with carriage-style accents. If you have a modern-style house with chic asymmetry, find a garage door that fits in, such as a window gridded aluminum garage door.


The color of your garage door is another way to instantly boost your curb appeal. It draws the eye of every passerby so that they quickly notice your house. For example, red accents on your white carriage-style garage door make it stand out even when drivers are in a hurry. Even better, a shiny black garage door looks great on modern homes. Complementing the color of your garage door with the exterior colors of your home is a surefire way to boost curb appeal as people pass by.


There are many choices when it comes to how your garage door functions, and when you open and close your garage door, people take notice. Your curb appeal can decrease or increase based on this choice. For instance, a Victorian styled home might have a right-and-left sliding garage door. Alternatively, a more modern garage door might be a single piece that hinges from the top and lifts as it opens up. Your choice in a garage door’s functionality says as much about your home as the color and the style of your garage door.

Choosing the right garage door is an important choice for your home that will directly affect your curb appeal. As people pass by your home, the right garage door makes them take notice of your home. It also provides a pleasant view for people, and a pleasant garage experience for yourself, for years to come. If you need help designing a garage door with curb appeal, contact Behm Design today.